I met this group for the first time last weekend and was immediately impressed with their attitudes, their sense of humor and their qualifications. These guys work hard.
The people in Salir Adelante meet once a month to turn in their receipts, receive this month's education stipend, and to spend time with one another.
After business is discussed at the meetings, this is the kind of stuff we get to do together:
We celebrate each other's birthdays.

We play games and have competitions.
(This one involved turning two of the students into mummies with toilet paper.)

The students give charlas (talks) about any topic in the world.
This particular charla was given by three of the men in our group and it was about the history of Arequipa. (It also involved a puppet show.)

And at this particular meeting we played human bingo as way to get to know each other more. Thanks to this game, I learned who has never changed a diaper, who has tried grilled donkey, who has a scar more than 2 inches long, who can tell a good joke, and who my fellow left-handers are in the group.

I very, very much enjoy the people in Salir Adelante, and I am excited to be working with them to develop their group more.
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