This is a good question, one that I am sure many of you are asking. If you are one of those people, don't worry. There are days that I ask myself the same thing.
So far, not one day in Peru has been the same. However, now that I am getting settled, I am also starting to develop a routine.
I thought it would be best, before I share with you the ministries that I am involved in, to share with you the faces of the people that I work with every day.

This is a picture of Gloria and Jim that shamelessly stole off the internet. Gloria is from Colombia and Jim is from Michigan. They have been married for the last 44 years, and they have two houses: one in Peru and one in Huntersville, NC. They live part time in both places. These are the people are work for : )

Lidia, the Peruvian woman in between the American visitors, is 26 years old and oversees the Salir Adelante (college student) program. Lidia is a fabulous dancer, an all-around great person, and she is learning English.

This is Victor. He doesn't normally wear a bib - (he was at a fancy restaurant where the food is cooked in on your plate in front of you.) Victor is charge of the Acercandonos program. This means he oversees 240 people who are sponsored by padrinos (Godparents)in the United States. I have been here for almost a month, and I have discovered that Victor wears many hats - he is dad, he is doctor, he is logistician, he is nutrtionist, he is social worker and counselor, he is financial advisor. Victor supports the people in the Acercandonos program in every possible way. He also runs the Acercandonos youth group. I am one of Victor's biggest fans.

Tulita and Lurdes work for Victor in the Acercandonos program. Together, they visit the houses of each and every sponsored person every two months. They too wear many different hats.
So, these are the faces of the people I work with in Alto Cayma. Over the next couple of blog entries, I will begin to highlight some of the things I do every day.
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