
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oh My - the things our students say...

As English teachers for the same group of first year students, Becky and I encourage the 1B1s to immerse themselves in English outside the classroom. We tell them to watch movies in English, subscribe to English newspapers, read books in English, etc. Most of our students do these things often – and it shows because they’re English is very advanced compared to the rest of the first year students. We have one student, Fizzo, who includes listening to rap music to supplement his English lessons.

One day towards the beginning of the year, Fizzo raised his hand, “Ms. Large, I must ask you question, but I not know if it is bad.” “Okay, Fizzo,” I answered, “What’s your question?” Fizzo walked up to my desk and asked, “What means,” and then his voice dropped to a whisper, “holla atcha boy?” I smothered a laugh and told him that “holla atcha boy” is slang/gangsta for hello or to call/catch up with. “Where did you hear that from, Fizzo?” I asked. “From song,” he answered and sat back down.

A month or two later Fizzo raised his hand again, “Ms. Large, what means hustler?” I knew what song he was alluding to in this question – lyrics go: “A diva is a female version of a hustler.” “A hustler,” I told Fizzo, “is someone who knows how to cheat other people out of money.”

Fizzo also asks Ms. Mason about any new vocabulary he comes across. This semester he asked about a word that left both of us stumped. “What means juiced?” Becky and I thought that juiced meant drunk; however, once we asked Eric, we learned that juiced actually refers to someone who is doped up on steroids. Oh, the things we learn!

Here's the kicker: by far, the best question Fizzo asked was two weeks ago in Ms. Mason's class. Fizzo asked, “Ms. Mason what means fresh pair of panties?” Now, Becky is very prim and a very formal teacher. When I heard about this, I died laughing. "What did you say?" I asked Becky. "Well, I decided we should start with fresh. Fresh. New. Clean. And then - panties. Underwear for women."

To say that teaching students English has been an adventure is an understatement.
Oh, the things our students say : )

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