Last week we had our last Friday Night Lights Bible Study of the year. The girls watched the finale of season one, and our discussion was about thanksfulness. We made them American cookies and bagels to eat, and they brought us Slovak cake. We had a wonderful time closing out the year with such a fun and faithful group of students.
There is one story from that night that I probably shouldn't share because both parties involved in the story will be mortified. In keeping with my blog policy of full-disclosure, I'm going to tell it to you anyways.
As the girls were leaving, we spent about ten minutes giving hugs and saying goodbye after our closing prayer. Two of the girls came up to me and asked if they should say a special thank you to Eric (Mr. Richter) because he was the one who started the Bible Study. I said that, of course, they could thank him. So the two girls (somewhat) discreetly, walked around our living room planning a dog-pile/bear-hug with Mr. Richter. Heidi (Ms. Hartwig) laughed as she heard them planning this and jokingly said, "Kiss him too, while you're at it girls." A minute later, one of the girls counted to three and everyone rushed Mr. Richter. Then one of our girls, who didn't realize Ms. Hartwig had been kidding, leaned in and gave him a smacking kiss right on the cheek. Everyone watched as Mr. Richter and our student turned fire engine red and stared at each other in shock. We could not contain our laughter.
What a way to end the year : )
In other news, Becky, Eric and I had our mentor meeting with our 1B1 class. It's hard to believe these high school freshmen will be second years next year. I think even they are a little sad to drop the "1" from their class name and become 2B1s.
We invited all the kids over to Eric's house for ice cream (Zmrzlina - in Slovak). The kids had a wonderful time taking group pictures and talking about their summer holidays. I am going to miss them terribly, and I am so happy that I have friends who will be coming back to teach next year and watch out for my kids.
This is our last 1B1 photo:
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