Here is a picture of Heidi and Rachel, the other two birthday girls!
To celebrate, the T-Town crew decided to back to the Dubravsky's cabin in Kokava Linia. We left early on Saturday morning, and we were back in Tisovec on Sunday night. Our trip was quick - but we all had some much needed fun and relaxation. The weather was cold in Kokava, and instead of making gulas outdoors, we opted for chili indoors.
We spent Saturday afternoon sitting on this couch: laughing and playing.
We finished our evening this birthday cake that Becky made for the three of us.
On Sunday morning, we had a snowball fight and made snow people. These masterpieces are Betty and Rudy Dubrowsky, our friends who own the cabin.
Eric, sicko that he is, made a snow mouse in light of the fact that he discovered I hate (read: am terrified) of mice - particularly their tails.
If you look closely, you can see its claws. Lovely, huh?
I think he was channeling the giant nutria from The Princess Bride.
All mice aside, my 23rd birthday was wonderful thanks to my T-town family. I enjoyed, as always, spending time with six of the coolest people in Slovakia.
Thanks guys : )
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