
Monday, March 1, 2010


On February 12th, our fourth years hosted Ples, the school's annual ball. After a long week with school, I wasn't sure that I wanted to polka, waltz and cha cha the night away. None of the other Americans seemed excited either. Because the fourth years specifically invited us and genuinely hoped we would come, we all put on our suits and ties, dresses and panty hose, and we went. Everyone ended up having a great time. The evening began a 6pm. It included a program, dinner, and lots of dancing. The attire at Ples was very formal = most of our students wore prom dresses and suits with jackets.

As is Slovak custom, the dancing until midnight was very formal. Our students are expected to polka, tango, waltz, etc --- and they can! Dancing is a serious component of Slovak culture - I have yet to meet a Slovak who has no rhythm. At this point some of you may be thinking, "Yeah, but Meghan you are a terrible dancer!" You are correct. I can't even clap on beat. Still, my students loved teaching me the steps. Kiko, a fourth year, asked me to polka with him. I quickly explained that he would have to show me how. Laughing, we both stepped out onto the dance floor - and after about thirty seconds of dancing, Kiko told me he was going to charge me for the lesson. "You'll get my bill on Monday," he told me. Then the PTA President, Rudy (one of my favorite Slovaks), told me he had been saving a dance all night just for me. We danced and Rudy started counting for me: "One, two. One, two." When I was still having trouble, he said, "Focus, Meghan. Focus!" Even with all my missteps, I had a great time with the students.

Here are pictures from Ples:

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