
Friday, August 21, 2009

Language Lesson #1

Today, I can add two VERY important words to my Slovak vocabulary: muzio and geny. These words, "men" and "women" are helpful when deciding which bathroom I should use. Unfortuantely until this afternoon, these words were unfamiliar to me. After careful consideration (inny, minney, miney, moe), I chose the one closest to me. I think I have the male seminarian a jolt when he reached for the bathroom door and I walked out. What can I say? I guess some learning is experiential.


  1. Oh Meghan! haha...not suprised :) Love you!

  2. hi I am so glad you are having Fun at slovakia love Ella ps my email is ellamisen@yahoo.com what is yours?

  3. Causing problems wherever you go ... should be a pretty good sign. Hope you're having fun!

  4. HAHA Way to go Meghan!! I was wondering how well you were learning the language...
    ~Sarah E~

  5. Been there, done that. Understanding that "WC" is code for bathroom is fun too.
